Small Ureco
The product helps to prevent costly urinal blockages and assists with prevention of foul odours whilst also saving huge amounts of money and water.
As urine passes through and round the ‘bio-cap’ a small amount of bio is eroded into the solution. This activates the enzyme which breaks down the uric salts and limescale.
This results in a completely harmless and eco-friendly bacterium which eliminates the need for strong chemicals and cleaning agents.
The Ureco also emits a powerful minty type fragrance which reduces the need for harmful aerosols and air fresheners.
The Ureco is also unique in that it is available in two sizes, and two colours: the small for conventional urinals and large Ureco for stainless steel/porcelain trough urinals.
- Save water and money
- Prevent blockages
- Prevent foul odours
- Protect the environment
- Improve urinal appearance
- Improve washroom experience for staff and customers
- The Ureco Small head has a diametre of 6cm